Spark (R&D)

Combining spoken dialogue with movement and original music, Spark takes an unflinching look at a young woman’s experience of epilepsy and its shattering impact on her life as well as those closest to her.

Original, touching, laugh out loud funny... From just a handful of scenes, we were drawn deeply into the relationships, and the dialogue and movement worked so effectively together - a beautiful showcase of the power of live theatre.
— Audience feedback

R&D Dates

  • 9th-20th October 2023 - Theatre Deli

Writer - Katie Rice

Director & Dramaturg - Marlie Haco

Producer - Rachel Thomas

Composer & Sound designer - Ákos Lustyik 

Cast - Katie Rice, Leila McQuaid, Pamela Flanagan

Photography - Lidia Crisafulli

With thanks to Arts Council England for making this project possible


Coram Boy

